We can now direct bill most insurance plans for you. Just bring your billing information to the office and we can take care of the rest! Plans Include:
- Manulife
- Sunlife
- Great West Life
- Greenshield
- Pacific Blue Cross
- Claimsecure
- Misc Plans: Chambers of Commerce, CINUP (Johnston Group), Cowan Insurance Group (managed by Express Scripts Canada), DA Townley, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian (Johnston Group), GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc, Johnson Inc, Manion, Maximum Benefit or Johnston Group
*Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Canadian Forces | Veterans Affairs: We can direct bill after you have received a prescription for acupuncture from your physician or MO for a designated number of visits and are given an authorization number. Please contact us first with this information.
Note that we do not direct bill to Worksafe BC or MSP. You will need to submit your receipts to those administrations for reimbursement.